What do you need to work in cannabis in Alabama
What do you need to work in cannabis in Alabama 

The Alabama Legislature approved a medical marijuana program in 2021, but a series of challenges have continued to delay licenses being issued and dispensaries opening. 

Overview of the Legal Status of Cannabis in Alabama 

At the end of 2023, Alabama regulators promised that medical marijuana sales would begin “sometime” in 2024. While THC products are still illegal, Alabama has allowed CBD with low-THC since the approval of the 2018 Farm Bill. 

When the product does finally become available, patients certified by participating physicians will be able to use medical cannabis for conditions like: 

    • Cachexia or wasting syndrome 
    • Severe or chronic pain 
    • Severe nausea 
    • Seizures 
    • Severe and persistent muscle spasms 
    • Cancer 
    • Depression 
    • Parkinson’s Disease 
    • Any other condition that is severe and resistant to conventional medicine. 

Patients will have to apply for a card to obtain medical cannabis from licensed dispensaries. 

 Once dispensaries open, cannabis will be available in tablets, capsules, oils, gels, creams, suppositories, transdermal patches. However, the law bans smoking, vaping, and infusing cannabis into food products like gummies, cookies, or beverages. 

Growing Industry Opportunities in Cannabis Dispensaries 

Per the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission website the application for Medical Cannabis Business Licenses closed on December 30, 2022. 

The Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission (AMCC) rescinded its previous medical cannabis business license awards and denials to carry out the new procedures provided through the emergency rules adopted by the Commission on October 12, 2023. 

A timeline for the new procedures can be found HERE. 

The Commission met on December 1, 2023, to consider awarding Cultivator, Processor, Dispensary, Secure Transporter and State Testing Laboratory licenses. The Commission ranked applicants in these categories and then voted on license awards. The rankings by Commissioners for each applicant are available HERE. 

Click HEREto view a list of applicants who were denied a license by the AMCC and who timely submitted a request for investigative hearing pursuant to Rule 538-X-3-.18. 

The Commission met on December 12, 2023, to consider awarding Integrated Facility licenses. The Commission ranked applicants and then voted on license awards. The rankings by Commissioners for each applicant are available HERE. 

Requirements to Work in Cannabis in Alabama 

There are currently no requirements or application processes for those wishing to work in cannabis in Alabama. Once business licenses get distributed more insights for prospective employees will become available. 

Skills and Traits Desired by Dispensaries 

Customer Service Skills 

Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to provide exceptional customer service are essential for working in a dispensary. Employees often interact with patients and guests seeking medical advice and guidance. 

Knowledge of Cannabis Strains and Products 

Aside from customer service, you’ll also need a solid understanding of different cannabis strains, products, and their effects. Employees should be able to educate patients on various products, their onset times, and their potential benefits. If you don’t already have previous experience working in the industry, enrolling in a course like our dispensary agent certification can help get you up to speed in just 10 hours or less.

Ability to Work in a Regulated Environment 

Cannabis companies operate within strict regulatory frameworks, requiring employees to adhere to all state laws and regulations governing the cultivation, manufacturing, sale, and distribution of medical marijuana. 

How to Get Started Working in a Dispensary 

Research Available Job Opportunities 

Online job portals like Indeed or LinkedIn and Industry-Specific websites like Vangst.com often list job openings in dispensaries. If those aren’t working fast enough for you, you can also try working with an industry-specific recruiting company like FlowerHire to get the ball rolling. 

Building your network within the industry can help you get a leg up with new opportunities. Attending industry events, joining professional associations, and networking with individuals already working in the cannabis industry can help provide valuable insights and job leads. 

Craft a Compelling Resume and Cover Letter 

Tailor your resume to highlight any relevant experience, such as previous work in customer service or healthcare, as well as any certifications or training related to the cannabis industry. Be sure to emphasize your passion for the cannabis industry and its potential to improve peoples’ lives. If you need more ideas, we created a quick guide that can help you create an interview-worthy resume. 






Posted in: Career, Education