What do you need to work in cannabis in New Mexico
What do you need to work in cannabis in New Mexico

Understanding New Mexico’s Cannabis Laws

New Mexico has charted a progressive path in cannabis legislation, distinguishing itself with a dual medical and adult-use framework. The Cannabis Regulation Act (CRA), effective June 29, 2021, consolidates the regulatory oversight for both sectors under the Cannabis Control Division (CCD). Adults 21 and over are granted the freedom to possess, consume, and cultivate cannabis within specified limits, patients with qualifying medical conditions benefit from the therapeutic use of medical marijuana, regulated by the Department of Health.

It is crucial for any individual aiming to work in a New Mexico dispensary to be thoroughly acquainted with these laws to ensure compliance and competent customer service. The balance between promoting accessibility and ensuring responsible use is a hallmark of New Mexico’s approach to cannabis regulation.

Essential Qualifications for Dispensary Employment

The cornerstone of dispensary employment in New Mexico is the acquisition of a Medical Cannabis Program (MCP) License Identification Card. This card is a testament to the holder’s legitimacy and compliance with state regulations and is required for anyone seeking employment in the cannabis industry. Prospective dispensary employees must demonstrate a clean criminal background, with mandatory state and nationwide checks.

Moreover, certain positions within a dispensary, such as those dealing with the preparation of cannabis-infused products, may necessitate additional certifications like HIPAA training or a food handler safety certificate. These certifications are not just formalities; they represent a commitment to customer safety and privacy.

Key Certifications and Training for Cannabis Employment

To stand out as a candidate in the New Mexico’s cannabis industry, it’s beneficial to acquire key certifications and training. While not always mandatory, these certifications and training programs can demonstrate a commitment to professionalism and understanding of the industry. Some relevant certifications and training programs include:

– Cannabis Retail Certification: This certification provides knowledge and skills specific to working in a cannabis retail setting, including understanding different product types, dosage, and responsible sales practices.

– Medical Cannabis Training: For individuals interested in working in the medical cannabis sector, completing medical cannabis training programs can provide valuable knowledge about the therapeutic uses of cannabis, patient care, and industry regulations.

– Responsible Vendor Training: This training program focuses on responsible sales practices, age verification, and complying with state laws and regulations regarding the sale of cannabis products.

By obtaining these certifications and completing relevant training programs, individuals can demonstrate their dedication to the industry and enhance their employability in New Mexico’s dispensaries.

Background Check Procedures and Compliance

Working in the cannabis industry, especially in the medical sector, often requires passing background checks. The purpose of these background checks is to ensure the safety and integrity of the industry and protect patients. In New Mexico, the background check procedures for employment in the medical cannabis sector include:

– Disqualifying Felony Offenses: Individuals with disqualifying felony offenses, which include state or federal controlled substance crimes classified as a felony in New Mexico, are generally not eligible for employment. However, there is an exception if the conviction is determined to be related to the use of or assistance with the use of medical cannabis.

– Criminal History Records Check: Prospective employees must submit a completed criminal history records check consent form, a full set of classifiable fingerprints, and the required fees. The Bureau of Criminal Apprehension conducts a state criminal history records check, and coordination with the FBI is made for a national criminal history record check.

It’s important for individuals seeking employment in the medical cannabis sector to be aware of these background check procedures and comply with them to ensure eligibility for employment.

Minimum Age and Education Requirements for Dispensary Jobs

Before pursuing employment in a New Mexico dispensary, it’s crucial to meet the minimum age requirement. In the adult-use sector, individuals must be at least 21 years old to work in the cannabis industry. Similarly, the medical cannabis sector also requires employees to be at least 21 years old.

In addition to the age requirement, certain education qualifications may be necessary for specific dispensary jobs. While experience in retail, customer service, or the cannabis industry can be beneficial, some positions in the medical cannabis sector may require qualifications in healthcare or pharmacy. It’s important to assess the specific education requirements for the desired role and consider gaining relevant experience or certifications to enhance employability.

Navigating the Application and Certification Process

Embarking on the application process for dispensary employment involves a partnership between the applicant and the prospective employer. The employer plays a pivotal role as they must submit the application for the MCP License Identification Card on behalf of the employee. Application processes are underscored by a thorough background check. Requiring applicants to be transparent and honest about their history.

In addition to the background checks, applicants must furnish a photocopy of valid identification and successfully complete any required certifications. It is advisable for applicants to proactively obtain certifications like HIPAA training to expedite the hiring process and enhance their employability.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Budtender

A budtender is the face of the dispensary, offering knowledgeable advice, compassionate service, and a welcoming presence to customers. Well-versed in the various strains of cannabis, their effects, and the methods of consumption. Budtenders are also responsible for maintaining compliance with state laws, including verifying customer ages and managing sales limits.

Exceptional customer service skills, a passion for the product, and an ability to educate consumers are the hallmarks of a successful budtender. Continual learning and staying current with industry trends are also critical, as the world of cannabis is rapidly evolving.

Advancing Your Career in the Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry in New Mexico is not just a place for entry-level employment; in fact it offers pathways for career growth and professional development. Those who start as budtenders can aspire to roles in management, cultivation, product development, or compliance. With the projected growth in sales and the expansion of the market, opportunities for advancement are rich for those who are dedicated and willing to evolve with the industry.

Educational resources, networking within the cannabis community, and a proactive approach to learning about the business aspects of dispensaries indeed can contribute to an individual’s potential for upward mobility. In New Mexico, the intersection of a burgeoning market and a supportive regulatory environment creates a fertile ground for career advancement within the cannabis sector.

Tips for Aspiring Cannabis Industry Professionals in New Mexico

For individuals aspiring to work in the cannabis industry in New Mexico, here are some tips to enhance their chances of securing employment:

– Ensure Compliance: Make sure to meet the minimum age requirement of 21 years old and have no disqualifying felony offenses on record. Still if there is a relevant conviction, it’s important to check if it falls under the medical cannabis exception.

– Gain Relevant Experience: Building a relevant skill set can increase employability. Consider working in retail, healthcare, or customer service to acquire transferable skills. Additionally, taking courses or certifications related to cannabis can demonstrate knowledge and dedication to the industry.

– Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with New Mexico evolving cannabis regulations, as they impact the requirements for employment. Being knowledgeable about the industry and staying informed about any changes or developments can make individuals more competitive candidates.

By following these tips, individuals can position themselves as strong candidates for employment in New Mexico’s cannabis industry thus increasing their chances of securing a job in a dispensary.

Knowledge of Cannabis Strains and Products 

Aside from customer service, you’ll also need a solid understanding of different cannabis strains, products, and their effects. Employees should be able to educate patients on various products, their onset times, and their potential benefits. If you don’t already have previous experience working in the industry, enrolling in a course like our dispensary agent certification can help get you up to speed in just 10 hours or less.

Ability to Work in a Regulated Environment 

Cannabis companies operate within strict regulatory frameworks, thus requiring employees to adhere to all state laws and regulations governing the cultivation, manufacturing, sale, and distribution of medical marijuana. 

Get Started Working in a Dispensary 

Research Available Job Opportunities 

Online job portals like Indeed or LinkedIn and Industry-Specific websites like Vangst.com often list job openings in dispensaries. If those aren’t working fast enough for you, you can also try working with an industry-specific recruiting company like FlowerHire to get the ball rolling. 

Therefore building your network within the industry can help you get a leg up with new opportunities. Finally attending industry events, joining professional associations, and networking with individuals already working in the cannabis industry can help provide valuable insights and job leads. 

Craft a Compelling Resume and Cover Letter

When applying for a job at a New Mexico dispensary, it is important to craft a compelling resume and cover letter. Tailor your resume to highlight any relevant experience such as previous work in customer service or healthcare, as well as any certifications or training related to the cannabis industry. Emphasize your passion for the cannabis industry and its potential to improve people’s lives. It is also important to maintain professionalism throughout the application process.








Posted in: budtender training, cannabis education, Cannabis training, Career, Dispensary, Education, marijuana training, Uncategorized